Monday, July 7, 2014

Natural Acne Remedies

Dealing with acne can be a lot like dealing with allergies-and not just because some acne is caused by allergies. Like allergies, you can use all the medication in the world to cover and mask your symptoms. But unless you know the underlying cause of your pimples, the results are going to be, well... spotty at best.

Often, it's helpful to see a dermatologist. However, in my personal experience, the dermatologist generally just gives me a prescription to deal with the symptoms (such as an antibiotic) and sends me on my way. If you want to know the underlying cause of your acne, you're most likely going to have to be proactive about finding the trigger on your own.

One of the biggest causes of acne in adult women is hormones. Whether it's caused by an actual imbalance or just normal fluctuations, almost every woman is familiar with the tell-tale "period zit."

Acne and PMS is something I personally struggled with for years. I put in quite a bit of time finding the right combination of natural remedies. Every person's metabolism is different, but here are a few of the supplements and dietary tricks that worked for me over the years.

1. Diindolylmethane (DIM)

Best Acne Treatment for Your Skin

Using commercial products or medication is definitely not the best acne treatment for your skin because they only treat the symptoms at best, not cure the root cause of acne. And they'll make you poor because you need to keep spending on these so-called acne treatments to keep your skin acne-free.

The best acne treatment is one that will root out the cause of acne and let you stay acne-free for good. And you don't have to buy any creams, lotions or drugs from doctor or over-the-counter. You save big money.

So, the very first step you need to do is to identify the root cause of acne. Once the root cause is found, it'll be easier to devise the best treatment for your acne and cure it for good.

Let's begin.

How to Use Coconut Oil on Your Face for Acne?

You can't use coconut oil to clear your acne like you're using water-based moisturizer to moisturize your skin such that you slather it on your face and expect your skin to quickly absorb it all and then heal your acne. Acne treatment with coconut oil doesn't work this way.

So, how to use coconut oil on your face for acne treatment. Let me show you.

Step 1: Open Your Pores

What Does Coconut Oil Do for Acne?

When your skin pores get clogged with dead cells and your body loses its control over its sebum (your natural skin oil) production, acne bacteria get to feed on the over-production of sebum and then multiply to the point that triggers inflammation and causes pimples to pop up. That's what most acne sufferers know.

But what they do not know about is that toxins in your body do also play a significant part in acne breakout. Let me explain.

Acne Causes - Does Stress Cause Acne?

Stress is widely perceived to be a negative thing in life and people shy away from it as if it is something to be feared, which perhaps it might be. There seems to be evidence that stress can be responsible for an array of health problems and ailments, including depression, anxiety and other associated disorders. However, there is some debate over whether stress causes acne or not.

Acne is a disease where the sufferer gets spots and rashes all over their body, although the face is one of the most common areas to be affected. It is a disease which is stereotypically associated with teenagers, particularly teenage boys.

This seems to hint that stress may actually be a cause of acne. It is well-documented that teenagers are beings who are constantly embroiled in some sort of emotional turmoil and always have conflicts and issues to deal with. Therefore stress from this is entirely plausible and could cause the acne which marks quite a few teenagers' faces. However, there may be other biological causes that contribute to acne being a problem for people. For teenagers, it could just be a sign that they are developing as it is one of the common characteristics of puberty. Acne marks a certain rite of passage, progressing from boy to man in a sense and it is almost a marker of maturity before the sufferer actually has smooth, clear skin.

On the other hand, older people suffer from acne too, as it is not just confined to young people. Although acne may be fairly common among youngsters, it is also prominent among other individuals as well. This seems to infer that stress could indeed be a cause of acne. In the modern era, people lead increasingly difficult and stressful lives. There are so many things to juggle at once these days like finance, family and other activities. This can lead a person who has a lot on their plate to become more stressed than they would normally be and possibly lead to the onset of acne. It seems quite a simple and logical conclusion to make: a person gets stressed and they develop acne.

However, this seems a little too simplistic. Science is not always as simple as this and sometimes there are other variables which need to be taken into account, which can often vary with age, gender and other conditions. Acne can be a result of a genetic condition as certain skin types are more predisposed to developing acne. Complexion is something which is passed down from parent to child so it is a viable possibility that it could be at least partially hereditary. Furthermore, if someone is obese or even slightly overweight, their skin can become irritated and blotchy and certainly more susceptible to acne than someone of a normal weight.

Essentially, there is a certain link between stress and acne. It can be quite a tenuous connection to make as there are other factors which need to be taken into account as well.